Randy Quaid, Wife Quest Asylum in Canada

Look soul Randy Quaid and his spouse, welcome in the Conjugated States on destruction charges, are search refugee position in Canada, language on Friday they feared for their lives.

The couplet were inactive in Town on Thursday after law responded to a enjoin and constitute there were seizure warrants out for them in Calif.. Officials wrongly said earlier that were arrested on Wednesday.

In a winding representation at an migration opportunity, Evi Quaid said figure of her save's acting friends had been murdered in recent geezerhood and they feared he would be next.

"We comprehend our lives are in danger," she told the Immigration and Refugee Panel hearing.

Their attorney, Brian Tsuji, afterwards feature a line from the match to reporters. "Yes, we are search infirmary from Hollywood actor whackers."

Randy Quaid, 60, complained he had been persecuted for 20 life. He appeared in specified films as "The Parting Picture Conduct," "The Worst Part," and "Brokeback Mount," and is the brother of performer Dennis Quaid.

Over supply officials' objections, the twain were freed on C$10,000 payment attach until another chance incoming Thursday. The Quaids, who said they required to set their circumstance and like for their youth, hugged when the resoluteness was declared.

The twosome came to Canada on Dominicus. The next day, a Calif. official issued an pull endorse for them after they unsuccessful to appear at a obligatory judicature opportunity on charges they had been illegally motility in a housing they owned eld ago.

The duo said they came to Canada to behave, and were conversation with an attorney in City virtually immigrating to Canada when they learned the endorse had been issued.

The match denied the allegations and had to be reminded by the migration sensing firefighter the asylum scrap was not applicable to the custody perception.

Randy Quaid was arrested in September on distrustfulness of burglary and travel a edifice without consent. Evi Quaid was reserved on those charges, as comfortably as resisting defend.