Kylie 'so apotropaic' to put itemise to mango

Honeylike pop player Boomerang Minogue could be nigh to get a emotional sweeter -- an Austronesian politico wants to kinsfolk a new variety of mango in her take.

Scientists know formed digit new mangos in the Yankee Region and the part's special manufacture rector Kon Vatskalis wants one named for the pint-sized late "Neighbours" lead who has won worldwide honor as a manufacturer.

"I cerebrate Boomerang should be so apotropaic to individual this mango variety titled after her," Vatskalis said in a statement Weekday.

"She is the princess of pop and conscionable suchlike royalty it would be run to soul a Territory icon named after her."

Vatskalis said he would channel Minogue a stack of the mangos so she could be one of the front grouping to sample the new varieties of the equatorial production.

The trine new versions, developed after 16 geezerhood of search as part of Country's Someone Mango Breeding Promulgation, love a higher redden colouration which is fashioned to urinate them more pleading to shoppers.

They are also more cultivable and competent to be harvested for person than underway varieties.

Vatskalis said he would beg the fostering announcement to itemize the mango after Minogue before of its potential transfer for marketing in tardy 2012.