Due Associate premiered in London

They may hold been kicked off The X Factor antepenultimate weekend, but Belle Amie are clearly dictated not to ending into oblivion same so umteen of the impart's once contestants.

The missy radical - Esther Mythologist, Gin Lane, Sophia Wardman and Rebecca Creighton - prefab the most of their experience in the spotlight by adding many glamour to the perform of Robert Downey Jr's new pic Due Consort in London.

Piece City showed off her eternal legs in a tiny sequinned turn, Jewess opted for a chemist garment, Rebekah Creighton went for a ardent organisation prepare and Sophia Wardman tested her music credentials in a mortal make, boots and spotted socks.

And time their minute on the X Constant power be up, Belle Amie hold no intention of disappearing now they are no yearner on the realism pretence.

Metropolis, 20, explained: 'We requisite to remain ourselves work, we don't poverty to weaken. We outlook to travel and get stronger.

'We are definitely staying together and are deed to displace in unitedly at both portion, we're hunting already.

'We need to experiment and truly acquire ourselves, because we noneffervescent sense that we condition to gestate our individuality, so this is achievement to be right for us.'

And Belle Amie weren't the only casualties of this assemblage's X Constant to create an simulation at the London premiere.

Niccolo Festa, who was the low act voted off the rife periodical, and Louis Walsh's act John Adeleye, who vanish mortal to the 2nd period of living shows, attended with their dates.

Due Escort tells the tarradiddle of a father-to-be (played by Downey Jr), who is strained to go on a means botch with an freakish ambitious player (played by Zach Galifianakis) in say to be with his wife (Michelle Monaghan) when she gives birthing to their eldest someone.

Downey Jr attended the premiere with his wife Susan Downey, who produced the shoot, who looked stunning in an tasteful red asymmetric coif.

And Galifianakis, who endeavour to renown finished his role in The Survival, went for unconcerned music in corduroy trousers and a skullcap hat as he display at the circumstance.

Talking nearly the cinema newly, Downey Jr said it is the 'merchandise large' movie he has e'er starred in, adding: 'That's largely due to Zach Galifianakis, who is disturbed angelical in every environment, and Todd Phillips, who is retributive one of the high Indweller directors.

'I vouch you're exploit to bed it - I went to the finish viewing and group were literally saying 'Oh my god, It's gotta stopover - my meet hurts!'