Angelina start filming in Bosnia

Hollywood hotest Actress Angelina Jolie will film scenes from directorial debut in Bosnia from November 17 to 21 where her wartime love story between a Serb man and a Muslim woman has sparked controversy.

Bosnian media said that Jolie will movie in the capital Sarajevo and the central town of Vares.

The Hollywood hot star started filming her first feature as a director, an as yet untitled love story set against the background of the bloody 1992-95 inter ethnic war in Bosnia, in Hungary's capital Budapest early October.

The movie caused controversy in Bosnia when local media repeated rumours that the film was the story of a Muslim rape victim who fell in love with her Serb attacker.

Women victims' associations complained about the reported content and in mid of October the Bosnian authorities suspended Jolie's filming permit.

It was quickly reinstated after Jolie sent the authorities a copy of the script which her Bosnian production company says does not include any rape love story.

The actress turned director has said she wants to meet the women victims' associations who complained about her movie while she is shooting in Bosnia to clear up any misunderstandings.