Whitney port hot

Whitney port hot was MTV’s good girl about the Hills and the sexpot on The town. Now she’s done with all that and prepared to open up and show her things. For exclusive photos of Whitney Interface, pick up the latest issue associated with Maxim at newsstands. Five years ago Whitney Port was only a 20-year-old intern at Teen Vogue when her world got turned inverted. “I found out that MTV would be filming in the office, ” states the leggy California girl. “So Used to do it, like, ‘All right, whatever. ’?”

She quickly became a fundamental element of what turned out to be The actual Hills, providing a voice of cause amid the insanity of Heidi, Spencer, LC, as well as Audrina. Whitney port hot grew so popular, actually, that she was given her personal spin-off, The City, which tracked her path with the cutthroat world of New York style. Now back home in L. THE. and at work on her personal label, the reality show star switched designer is stepping out…without her clothing.

Whitney port hot was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She is the daughter of Jeffery and Vicki Lyn Port (née Woskoff). She has an older brother, Ryan, an older sister, Ashley, and two younger sisters, Paige and Jade. Her father, Jeff, is the owner of a fashion company called Swarm.She comes from a Jewish family.Whitney Port attended Warner Avenue Elementary School. She then went to Crossroads School for the Arts and Sciences for middle school and high school. In 2007, Port graduated from the University of Southern California (USC) with a degree in gender studies.