Sandra bullock sexy

Sandra bullock sexy looked as hot as ever in a sexy black satin suit at the premiere of her new flick Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close last night in NYC.

The actress, who wasn't nominated for a Golden Globe for the role, looked ravishing in the Alexander McQueen outfit. And, of course, it appeared more scandalous than it actually was -- she was really wearing a nude lace camisole under the low-cut jacket! Trickster.

The actress is just getting back into more roles after taking some time off at the beginning of the year to focus on her personal life. She and Jesse James got divorced in 2010 and since then Bullock has been putting being a mom to adoptive son Louis as her first priority. Sandra bullock sexy She said at a press event for this latest role that she never thought about quitting her craft altogether, but the important things in her life have shifted.

She said when asked if she'd ever planned to quit acting (via Us magazine): "I wasn't thinking about any of that. I was just so happy being a mom. I'm still very happy being a mom. That just shifted and became my full priority."