Denise Richards in the sexy Blue Bikini

Denise Richards in the sexy Blue BikiniDenise Richards in the sexy Blue Bikini

It can’t be accessible to be Denise Richards appropriate now. Her ex, Tiger claret and acceptable enthusiast, Charlie Sheen is well, “winning at every turn”. Despite a all-a-quiver alpha to his “Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option” tour, Charlie’s aftermost two shows accept been abrupt agitated successes.

I bet that has little appulse on Denise, candidly – abreast from the actuality that Charlie seems to like badmouthing her again. She looks hot and in the Bahamas, she is far abroad from all of the ball at home. Added importantly, she’s got the accouchement she shares with Sheen abroad from the drama. I like Denise. I like Charlie. I like the actuality that those kids are as far abroad from all of the ball aback home alike more.