Jonah Hex Review

The running time for “Jonah Hex” is a brief 80 minutes, and normally that would be a problem. But director Jimmy Hayward lets it all zip by, stopping briefly for an edifying plot point before leaping back into rousing gunfire. Special commendations go to scripters Brian Taylor, William Farmer, and Mark Nevedine, who combine the western and mystical aspects of the character into a coherent and immensely entertaining movie. The opening animation scenes are visually modern with a western flair, a perfect tribute to the film’s DC Comics roots.

Jonah Hex isn’t a perfect film. but it’s a helluva lot of fun. Briskly paced, and chock full of pyrotechnic action, it’s the perfect antidote to this year’s summer blahs. Let Woody and his pals sit in the toy box, you’ll have way more fun riding with Jonah.

Jimmy Hayward (director) / William Farmer , Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor (screenplay)
CAST: Josh Brolin … Jonah Hex
John Malkovich … Quentin Turnbull
Megan Fox … Lilah
Michael Fassbender … Burke
Will Arnett … Lieutenant Grass
John Gallagher Jr. … Lieutenant Evan
Tom Wopat … Colonel Slocum
Michael Shannon … Doc Cross Williams
Wes Bentley … Adleman Lusk
Julia Jones … Cassie