Halle Berry Sexy Black Dress in EBONY Magz

Halle Berry Sexy Black Dress in EBONY MagzHalle Berry Sexy Black Dress in EBONY Magz
Halle Berry is looking Sexy and Stunning as usual in all black on the cover of EBONY Mag's March 2011 cover. While posing in a frilly, sheer, and very lingerie-like black dress and black lace bra, all while biting into a cherry, Halle talks about her appetite for everything delicious. Especially her daughter, Nahla .

Charlize Theron look Sexy In Leggings And Boots

Charlize Theron look Sexy In Leggings And BootsCharlize Theron look Sexy In Leggings And Boots

Charlize Theron Mini Biography

Charlize Theron grew up on a acreage alfresco Benoni, South Africa, as the alone child. She got an apprenticeship as a ballet ballerina and has danced both the "Swan Lake" and the "Nutcracker Suite". There wasn't abundant for a adolescent extra or ballerina to do in South Africa, so she anon catholic to Europe and United States of America, area she got job at the Joffrey Ballet in New York. She was additionally able to assignment as a photo model. However, an afflicted knee put a arrest to her dancing career.

At the age of 18, her mother fabricated her go to Los Angeles to try a career in the cine industry. She came to Los Angeles afterwards alive anyone in the burghal but afterwards two weeks back she was continuing in band on Hollywood Boulevard an abettor gave her his card. Afterwards eight months in Los Angeles she got her aboriginal part. Since then, she has taken acting acquaint and her career has skyrocketed, best afresh in The Devil's Advocate (1997).

Michael Jackson Wallpapers Download

Legend Michael Jackson Wallpapers Collection for Michael Jackson Fans.

Katy Perry Looks Hot in Bikini at Atlantis Paradise Island

Katy Perry Looks Hot in Bikini at Atlantis Paradise Island

Katy Perry block into a beautiful bikini and hits the baptize slides at Atlantis Paradise Island in Nassau, Bahamas on Sunday (July 18).

Ms. Perry’s associates in the Bahamas included her abettor Suzanne Sansone and her gays — stylist Logan Horne, adornment artist Markus Molinari, accompanist Ferras, hairstylist Aaron Light, and her brother (and actor) David Hudson.

Lindsay due in court for failing alcohol test

Lindsay Lohan is due back in court for breaching probation after failing an alcohol test reports said.

A court hearing will determine if Lindsay Lohan, currently serving 35 days of home custody with an electronic ankle bracelet, breached the terms of her probation for a 2007 drunk driving incident, the LA District Attorney's office said.

Sandi Gibbons (DA office spokeswoman) said she did not know the exact nature of the alleged violation, but a website said it was because Lindsay tested positive for alcohol in the past week.

Elizabeth Hurley and Arun Nayar Divorce

Elizabeth Hurley and Arun Nayar DivorceElizabeth Hurley and Arun Nayar Divorce

Elizabeth Hurley and Arun Nayar were accepted a divorce Wednesday at a abrupt audition in London, The Associated Press reports. Neither affair abounding the hearing.

News of the annulment bankrupt in April, and it was appear that Hurley's affidavit cited "unreasonable behavior." This followed months of estrangement, which Hurley appear in December via Twitter afterwards actuality bent on blur kissing Australian candid amateur Shane Warne. Hurley and Nayar, an Indian bolt heir, affiliated in March 2007 afterwards dating for four years.

Eva Amurri Sexy Wallpapers Pictures

Eva Amurri Sexy Pictures and Wallpapers Collection
Eva Amurri Smile
Eva Amurri Sexy Pose Picture
Eva Amurri in Mood

Megan Fox Looks Stunning in Bikini

Megan Fox Looks Stunning in BikiniMegan Fox Looks Stunning in BikiniMegan Fox Looks Stunning in Bikini

Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green took a airing on the bank in Kona yesterday. The brace met up on the Hawaiian island afterward Megan's stop in Maui for the Maui Film Festival area she was accustomed with the Iris Award. The cruise was acceptable timing for Megan and Brian, who are aloof about to bless their commemoration afterwards accepting affiliated in the beach about one year ago.

She's talked about the achievability of renewing their vows, and it seems like their bikini and shirtless time in the sun is the absolute lead-up to addition ceremony. Megan's adequate vacation agency she's far abroad from the advancing Transformers drama, which started afterwards she was replaced by Victoria's Secret archetypal Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Brian's contempo acting career hasn't been so controversial, though, and he'll be aback on the baby awning this Fall back The Wedding Band affectedness on TBS.

Britney Spears Sexy Photoshoot

Britney Spears Sexy PhotoshootBritney Spears Sexy PhotoshootBritney Spears Sexy Photoshoot

Mini Biography

Britney Jean Spears was built-in in rural Louisiana (Kentwood) to Jamie Spears and Lynne Spears. As a child, Britney abounding ball classes, and she was abundant at gymnastics, acceptable abounding competitions and the like. But, best of all, Britney admired to sing. At age 8, Britney approved out for "The All New Mickey Mouse Club" (1989), but was angry bottomward due to her adolescent age. This directed her to an off-Broadway show, "Ruthless", for a 2-year run as the appellation character. At age 11, she afresh approved for "The All New Mickey Mouse Club" (1989) and, this time, fabricated it as a mouseketeer alongside abounding stars of today (Justin Timberlake and J.C. Chasez of *NSYNC and Ryan Gosling).

Her big break, however, came back she was active as a Jive Recording Artist in the backward 90s. With the absolution of her admission album, "...Baby One More Time" in aboriginal 1999, Britney became an all-embracing success, affairs 13 actor copies of "Baby" and 9 actor (as of July 2001) of her green album, "Oops!...I Did It Again", appear in May of 2000.

Miss USA 2011 Pictures

Miss USA Teresa Scanlan Sexy Pictures and Wallpapers Collection

Liv Tyler in Short Pants Shows Sexy Leggs

Liv Tyler in Short Pants Shows Sexy LeggsLiv Tyler in Short Pants Shows Sexy Leggs
Liv Tyler in Short Pants Shows Sexy Leggs

Mini Biography
Daughter of Steven Tyler of the bandage Aerosmith and Bebe Buell, above archetypal (and Playboy Playmate of the Month) and athletic of the backstage bedrock arena of the 1970s, Liv grew up cerebration that bedrock brilliant Todd Rundgren was her father. But as she was growing up, Tyler began bottomward by to visit, and Liv noticed that his babe Mia Tyler looked abundant like her to be her twin. She confronted her mother, and was told the truth; by the time she was 12, she had taken her father's name.

At 14, she and her mother larboard Portland, Maine, for New York, area she got her alpha as a model. A year was abundant of the clay grind, and she absitively to become an actress. She was offered the allotment of "Callie" in Heavy (1995) afterwards a distinct account and, alone three weeks later, was casting in Silent Fall (1994); James Mangold, administrator of Heavy (1995), absitively to adjournment cutting until Liv was available. With seven films in the 1993-96 period, her career took off.

Minka Kelly Very Sexy Cleavage

Minka Kelly Very Sexy CleavageMinka Kelly Very Sexy Cleavage
Minka Kelly Very Sexy Cleavage

Mini Biography

Minka Kelly was built-in in Los Angeles, California and she is the alone adolescent of above Aerosmith guitarist Rick Dufay and Maureen Kelly, an alien ballerina and distinct mother who generally confused with her babe to altered communities afore clearing in Albuquerque, New Mexico, by the time Minka was in inferior aerial school.

Pamela Anderson Gets Very Hot – Lingerie

Pamela Anderson Gets Very Hot – LingeriePamela Anderson Gets Very Hot – LingeriePamela Anderson Gets Very Hot – Lingerie

A born-in of Canada, Pamela Anderson was built-in on Vancouver Island, and afterwards confused to the burghal of Vancouver. It was while she abounding a British Columbia Lions football bold that Anderson was "discovered" in a best abnormal way. Dressed in a Labatt's Beer T-shirt, her angel was transmitted on the stadium's advanced screen. The admirers animated the admirable girl, and she was brought bottomward to the 50-yard band and alien to the beholden crowd. As a result, she was alive to a bartering arrangement with Labatt's and became the company's "Blue Zone" girl.

The attack was so accepted that added commercials and announcement assignments for Anderson anon followed. Due to the acceptance from these commercials, she was anon approached to do her aboriginal awning for Playboy Magazine. Pamela has back gone on to adroitness the awning afresh an alarming bristles times, added than any added woman in the magazine's history. With the success and acceptance she garnered from Playboy, Anderson anon confused to Los Angeles area she spent two seasons in the top-ten ABC Television hit alternation "Home Improvement" (1991) as Lisa, the Tool Time Girl. It was on "Home Improvement" that she captured the absorption and amore of examination audiences nationwide. At the aforementioned time, Anderson was casting as C.J. Parker on the internationally acknowledged alternation "Baywatch" (1989), but because of the absurd scheduling requirements of alive on two hit shows, she eventually larboard "Home Improvement" and remained full-time on "Baywatch". She now stars on one of the best phenomenally accepted television programs of all time, which is apparent in 140 countries worldwide.

Recently, Anderson fabricated the alteration into the affection blur arena, starring in Dark Horse Entertainment's activity ball Barb Wire (1996). In addition, Anderson was featured in the CBS movie-of-the-week, _Come Die with Me: A Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer Abstruseness (1994) (TV)_, a hip and adapted Mike Hammer mystery, co-starring Rob Estes. Pamela was affiliated to Mötley Crüe bagman Tommy Lee, and they had two children, Brandon and Dylan. However, the brace afar in aboriginal 1998. Both accept had a bouldered accord in the accomplished and connected to date on and off, but again headed to cloister over aegis of their two sons. Meanwhile, she starred in and produced her hit TV appearance "V.I.P." (1998), which ran for four seasons until 2002. During the bounce of 2001 she anachronous accompanist Kid Rock, but they bankrupt up in the abatement of 2003.

Eventually she reunited with ex-husband Tommy Lee afterwards she begin out she was diagnosed with hepatitis C, which she apprenticed back they aggregate the aforementioned aggravate for their tattoo. By the abatement of 2003 the new arrangement Spike TV launched her latest activity series, a animation developed by Stan Lee alleged "Stripperella" (2003). She is an alive actor in assorted organizations, including PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), and dedicates her time by demography allotment in religious practices with accouchement from about the world.

Emma Watson Looks Sexy in Vogue Pictorial

Emma Watson Looks Sexy in Vogue Pictorial
Emma Watson Looks Sexy in Vogue PictorialEmma Watson Looks Sexy in Vogue Pictorial
Mini Biography
Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was built-in in Paris, France to parents, Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson. At the age of five, Emma's parents afar and she again confused to Oxfordshire, England with her mother and adolescent brother, Alexander. Since the divorce, Emma's continued ancestors has developed as her parents both accept new partners. Her ancestor has a son called Toby, and identical accompanying daughters, Nina and Lucy, and her mother's accomplice has two sons. Emma spent abundant of her adolescence residing in England with her mother and stepfather, adolescent brother, and two stepbrothers.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley In Sexy Outfit

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley In Sexy OutfitRosie Huntington-Whiteley In Sexy OutfitRosie Huntington-Whiteley In Sexy Outfit

Mini Biography
Rosie Alice Huntington-Whiteley was built-in 18 April 1987 in Plymouth, Devon, England (Freedom Fields Hospital), and grew up on her parents' country farm. She abounding Tavistock College and has been clay back 2003 for a array of clothiers: Abercrombie & Fitch, Burberry, Bloomingdale's, Ralph Lauren, DKNY. She started clay for Victoria's Secret in 2006 and was clearly called one of the lingerie company's "Angels" in November 2009, at the age of 22. Her aboriginal blur role will be as "Carly", replacing Megan Fox as Sam's new adulation absorption in the third chapter of the Transformers series: Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

Hollywood's Father's 1st Fathers Day

Father's Day 2011 is coming and this year Hollywood has a whole slew of new Fathers who can celebrate this day.

One of the newest and proudest Fathers to join the Hollywood baby boom, Benjamin Millepied made the cut off just in time.

Fiancé Natalie Portman gave birth to their son earlier this week.

Joining Portman and Millepied's June bundle of joy is Willow Sage Hart, daughter of Pink and her hubby, Cary Hart who arrived on June 1.

Take a peek at some of Hollywood's newest Fathers celebrating their first Father's Day on 19 June 2011.

Zoe Saldana Very Attractive in Be Magazine

Zoe Saldana Very Attractive in Be Magazine

Zoe Saldana Mini Biography

Zoe Saldana was built-in in New Jersey and aloft in Queens, New York. When she was 10 years old, she and her ancestors confused to the Dominican Republic area they would alive for the abutting 7 years. While active in the Dominican Republic, Zoe apparent a agog absorption in achievement ball and began her training at the celebrated ECOS Espacio de Danza Ball Academy area she abstruse ballet as able-bodied as added ball forms. Not alone did her training accommodate an accomplished aperture for the agog and active youngster, it would additionally prove to be a advantageous forerunner for the alpha of her able acting career.

At age 17, Zoe and her ancestors confused aback to the United States area her adulation for ball followed and an absorption in amphitheater achievement became stronger. She began assuming with the Faces amphitheater affiliation which put on plays geared to accommodate absolute letters for adolescence with capacity ambidextrous with issues such as actuality corruption and sex.

These performances not alone gave her admired acquaintance but additionally a antecedent of abundant pride alive that she was authoritative a aberration in the lives of adolescent bodies like herself. While assuming with the Faces affiliation and additionally the New York Youth Theater, Zoe was recruited for a aptitude bureau and her ball training years afore accompanying with her acting acquaintance abundantly helped her acreage her aboriginal big awning role as "Eva Rodriguez", the accomplished and bullheaded ballet ballerina in the blur Center Stage (2000). Since her able career began aloof a few years ago, Zoe's aptitude and assurance has accustomed her to be complex in blockbuster films and act with above actors, actresses and industry assembly at a clip that actual few adolescent professionals accept experienced.

Zoe has not alone captivated her own in above motion account productions but acquired the account and acclaim from industry assembly such as Jerry Bruckheimer and Steven Spielberg and actors/actresses such as Tom Hanks, Bernie Mac, Keira Knightley, Ashton Kutcher, Kirsten Dunst and Orlando Bloom. According to abounding of her costars, producers, and directors, the sky is no absolute for this adolescent brilliant who has absurd range, acute concentration, and a barbarous assurance to be complex with projects that claiming her professionally with absolute accountable affairs and characters. Aloof to ask about anyone who she has formed for or with about her, aglow comments abound and becoming friendships and account are readily revealed. A brilliant has been born, and growing every day.

Scarlett Johansson Jogging in Trendy Short Pants

Scarlett Johansson Jogging in Trendy Short Pants
Scarlett Johansson Jogging in Trendy Short PantsScarlett Johansson Jogging in Trendy Short Pants

Scarlett Johansson Mini Biogrhapy

Scarlett Johansson was built-in in New York City to Melanie Sloan (of Polish descent) and Karsten Johansson (of Danish descent). Scarlett showed a affection for acting at a adolescent age and starred in abounding plays. She has a sister called Vanessa Johansson, a brother called Adrian, and a accompanying brother called Hunter Johansson built-in three account afterwards her.

She began her acting career in 1994 starring as "Laura Nelson" in North (1994). In 1998, the acclaimed blur The Horse Whisperer (1998) brought Johansson analytical acclaim and common recognition. Following the film's success, she starred in abounding added films including the alarmingly acclaimed band blur Ghost World (2001) and afresh the hit Lost in Translation (2003) with Bill Murray in which she afresh abashed critics. Later on, she appeared in Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003).

In 2003, she was nominated for two Golden Globes, one for ball (Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003)) and one for ball (Lost in Translation (2003)). She alone out of Mission: Impossible III (2006) due to scheduling conflicts. Her abutting blur role was in The Island (2005) alongside Ewan McGregor which becoming anemic reviews from U.S. critics.

Jennifer Lopez Gets Leggy In Short Tight Dress

Jennifer Lopez Gets Leggy In Short Tight DressJennifer Lopez Gets Leggy In Short Tight DressJennifer Lopez Gets Leggy In Short Tight Dress

Jennifer Lopez was built-in on July 24, 1969, in the Castle Hill area of the Bronx. Her father, David, was a computer technician. Her mother, Guadalupe, accomplished kindergarten. Jennifer is the average of three daughters. Her ancient sister, Leslie, is a housewife who sings opera. Her adolescent sister, Lynda, is a DJ on New York's WKTU, a VH1 VJ, and a morning account appearance contributor on New York's Channel 11. Jennifer's parents were built-in in Puerto Rico, but did not accommodated until both came to America. Her mother's parents were Europeans who acclimatized in Puerto Rico. She says that it was her parents' assignment belief that fabricated a aberration in her life. Jennifer took singing and dancing acquaint from age 5. She abounding 12 years of Catholic school, including an all-girl aerial school. She played softball and tennis in aerial academy and was a gymnast.

After aerial school, she briefly formed in a law office. During this time, she connected ball classes at night. At 18, she larboard home because her mother was afraid by her accommodation to accompany appearance business. With casting on "In Living Color" (1990) in 1990, she confused to L.A., but initially hated it. Finally her boy friend, David Cruz, confused to be with her there and she abstruse to acquire her new environment. Her career took off from her "Living Color" assignment and accomplished new peaks with her assuming of collapsed Latino accompanist Selena (1997).

Hollywood movies releasing in June

Hollywood movies releasing in June

Jun 3 X-Men: First Class, Beginners

Jun 10 Super 8

Jun 17 GreenLantern, Bad Teacher

Jun 24 Cars 2, Rise of the Apes

Jennifer Love Hewitt Sexy Stunning Picture

Jennifer Love Hewitt Sexy Stunning PictureJennifer Love Hewitt Sexy Stunning PictureJennifer Love Hewitt Sexy Stunning Picture

Jennifer Love Hewitt got her aboriginal name from her earlier brother Todd Daniel Hewitt (b. November 8, 1970), who best the name afterwards a little albino babe he again had a drove on. Her mother called her average name, Love, which she goes by offstage from her best acquaintance at college. Her mother, Pat, is a accent pathologist and her father, Danny, is a medical technician.

Her parents afar back she was six months old. Born in Waco, Texas, she was aloft by her mother in Harker Heights, Texas. She fabricated her official assuming admission at age 3 area she sang at a livestock show. At age 5, she was demography tap, jazz, and ballet acquaint which led her to abutting the Texas Appearance Team, which toured the Soviet Union and Europe.

At age 10, the ancestors confused to L.A. with the advance of aptitude scouts, while Todd backward abaft to accomplishment aerial academy in Texas. Jennifer bound begin bartering assignment and a role on Disney's "Kids Incorporated" (1984) in 1984. She went through a alternation of television flops afore assuredly hitting it big on "Party of Five" (1994) in 1995.

Deathly Hallows Posters Released

Warner Bros has released the official trailer along with eleven action packed posters of ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-Part 2’.

The concluding part of the action flick is set to hit the cinemas worldwide on July 15.

The posters show the lead characters of the movie using their magical weapons. The film has captivated the audiences for ten long years.

Magnificent Socialite Paris Hilton

Magnificent Socialite Paris HiltonMagnificent Socialite Paris HiltonMagnificent Socialite Paris Hilton Picture

Socialite Paris Hilton was built-in on February 17, 1981 in New York City into the Hilton ancestors and, forth with her three adolescent siblings, is buyer to the all-inclusive Hilton auberge and absolute acreage dynasty. Her adolescence was spent in deluxe dwellings in the priciest neighborhoods on both coasts and featured a abrupt amour with the educational system, including aerial ancestry at the ultra-exclusive Dwight School, from which she alone out and ultimately becoming her aerial academy GED.

Living the arrant socialite activity from a almost aboriginal age, accessory absolute parties and actuality covered by the account press, Hilton allegedly became absorbed on accepting celebrity status, which was conceivably furthered by the archetype of her mother, Kathy Hilton, who had a abrupt acting career herself, mostly on TV. Hilton began a arresting and well-financed attack to put herself in the accessible eye, on screen, on television and in music. This accomplishment has included a abundant bulk of concrete alteration. A artlessly pleasant-looking girl, Hilton underwent all-encompassing artificial surgery, beard appearance and brave acquaintance lenses in her attack to reinvent herself as "hot". Sadly, money could not buy about-face of the concrete aspect she best dislikes about herself: her exceptionally-large feet.

Some skeptics accept estimated that the amaranthine array of inane inter-celebrity feuds absorption about Hilton are, in fact, publicity stunts, addition advanced in the attack to accumulate her acknowledgment akin high. It has alike been argued that the abominable home video of Hilton with then-boyfriend Rick Salomon, in which Hilton performs absolute adventurous activities with Rick Salomon, was allotment of this attack as well. If it was, it worked. For bigger or for worse, it fabricated Hilton a domiciliary name overnight, and was alike broadly marketed as a video, 1 Night in Paris

Fashionable and Sexy Katie Holmes

Fashionable and Sexy Katie HolmesFashionable and Sexy Katie HolmesFashionable and Sexy Katie Holmes

Born two months abortive at four pounds, Kate Noelle Holmes fabricated her aboriginal actualization on December 18, 1978, in Toledo, Ohio. Her parents, Martin and Kathleen, say that her absolute personality is apparently from actuality built-in premature. Actuality the youngest in the Holmes clan, commutual the ancestors of three added sisters and one brother, Katie was consistently the baby. As a teenager, she began accessory clay school. Back she was sixteen, her abecedary arrive her to go to a clay antagonism with added girls from her class. She competed in the International Clay and Talent Association by singing, dancing, and reciting a address from To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). By the end of that time in New York, Katie won abounding awards.

But she said she didn't appetite to archetypal because it wasn't arduous enough. So back she was seventeen, Katie went to Los Angeles to audience for movies. Luckily, on her additional audition, she was casting in the movie, The Ice Storm (1997), directed by Ang Lee. Katie's appearance was Libbets Casey, a affluent New Yorker, who is pursued by two of the capital characters. It was a baby part, but it apparent the alpha of her able acting career.

After the action of her aboriginal movie, Katie began sending in audience tapes for pilot shows. During that time, she was additionally starring in her all-girls Catholic aerial academy musical, Damn Yankees, as Lola. After Kevin Williamson accustomed her audience band for his new show, "Dawson's Creek" (1998), the producers capital her to appear to Hollywood appropriate abroad and apprehend alive for them. But because they capital her to appear on the aperture night for Damn Yankees, Katie had to acquaint them she couldn't accomplish it. Fortunately, the show's producers capital her so abundant for that role, they rescheduled her callback and the aftereffect was she got the allotment as Joey Potter.